Kunzea pomifera (Muntries) In The Scrub
1 Comment »25th March, 2007; Category: Bush Tucker, Climbers and Ground Covers, Drought Tolerant Plants
Last week we went the long way around to an Australian Plant Society meeting out in the Mallee Scrub. I wanted to take some photos of Banksias that had been planted in an area near a soak.
The photo shows some of the Kunzea pomifera (Muntries), that grow in this area. There were acres of the plants. The green patches on the ground are patches of Muntries. Very few weeds grow in the patches, just the occasional grasses. There were still berries on the plants and they were sweet to eat. I was surprised that the birds had not got to them all.
I can vouch for them being lovely and sweet. Delicious.